Accident Specialists take great pride to continuously provide customer satisfaction by offering consumer choice throughout the whole claims process. We endeavor to deliver excellent communication between the customers choice to varies soliciting and medical agencies.
We welcome complaints as a way of ensuring that any dissatisfaction of grievance with any aspect of the company's operations or services is brought to the attention of the company as quickly as possible.
Our aim is to deal with complaints efficiently and fairly and wherever possible, to achieve a resolution which is satisfactory to both the complainant and the company.
All complaints will be fully investigated, handled sympathetically and confidentially and where necessary improvements are made.
- The complainant will be able to make a complaint by either sending a letter, telephone, e-mail or even in person
- The complainant is also able to make a complaint with Legal Ombudsman assistance.
All information are avaliable under this address: - The complaints should be made to the Managing Director who is Sikander Fazal
- The named person above is responsible with responding to complaints and this includes offering of redress where appropriate
- It is important to highlight that the business may decline to consider a complaint that is made more than six months after the complainant became aware of the cause of the complaint
- Accident Specialists will send a written or electronic acknowledgement of a complaint within five business working days of receipt, and to include giving the name or job title of the individual handling the complaint for the business, together with this document.
- After the complaint has been made officially known to Mr Sikander Fazal then he would send the complainant within four weeks either a) a final response; or a holding response which explains why it is not yet in a position to resolve the complaint and indicates when he would make further contact (this should be within eight weeks of receipt of the complaint).
- It is imperative that by the end of eight weeks after its receipt of a complaint, send the complainant either a) a final response; or b) a response which: explains that the business is still unable to make a final decision and give reasons for the further delay and a prediction to when the final response is expected. If however the matter cannot be resolved then the complaint can be carried forward to the attention to the claims management regulator if the delay is dissatisfied.
Publicising procedures
At accidents specialists we will inform the client of the complaints procedure and if they require a copy then we would be more than welcome to distribute it accordingly. However we would like to highlight that a copy of the complaints procedure in brief is included in the clients contract that the client read and sign beforehand.
Providing redress
If in a particular case Mr Sikander Fazal decides that redress is appropriate a fair compensation should be provided for any acts or omissions for which it was responsible and comply with any offer of redress which is acceptable to the complainant.
However redress will not always involve financial redress it may involve an apology or an offer to redo the work or the refund of a fee. Where financial redress is deemed appropriate it may include a reasonable rate of interest.
Accident Specialists will maintain records and provide to the regulator on request details of all complaints handled under these rules.